Marijuana is Safer! - Episode #10, Apr 28, 2010
In this episode:
- Florida wants to send quadriplegic medical marijuana user to jail
- Michigan Medical Marijuana Association has opened a cooperative location
- Issues with the cannabis legalization proposition in California
- Marijuana is safer than alcohol, so why are we driving people to drink?
Jaime's 4/20 Extravaganja! - Episode #9, Apr 20, 2010
In this episode, Jaime heads down to the Illinois state capital building to interview some supporters of SB1381 the pending medical cannabis pilot program, including:
- Dan Linn, Executive Director for the Illinois Cannabis Patients' Association
- A Patient Interview
- Brian Brichner, Ph. D, Chairperson, Illinois NORML
- Andy, Holly, and Jay from Illinois NORML
Is California's Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act a friend or foe? - Episode #8, Apr 12, 2010
On this episode:
- Mmm, tasty butane extracts (with out of place background music)
- Medical marijuana in Oklahoma? Texas?
- California's Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act - friend or foe?
Aloha and good luck to Hawaii! - Episode #5, Mar 15, 2010
In this episode:
- New Hampshire votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- Hawaii passes three cannabis reform measures
- Superbowl approves anti-abortion commercial, denies marijuana ad
- Ex-prohibitionist does a 180
- California market update: trendy marijuana strains
- Nice Joint! Berkeley Patients' Group
Marijuana vs. Alcohol, there's no comparison! - Episode #4, Mar 8, 2010
On this episode:
- Colorado update
- Why is Obama smoking tobacco rather than herb?
- LA medical marijuana ordinance
- Marijuana vs. Alcohol, what gives?
Dag-nab missing introduction! - Episode #3, Feb 22, 2010
We lost our introduction... Has anybody seen our missing introduction? We join this episode already in progress, on the subject of the economic impact of marijuana legalization, then continue with:
- More on the DEA raid in Colorado
- UK research debunks links between cannabis and schizophrenia. Where's US research into cannabis?
- Summary of pending legislation and ballot measures in: Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wisconsin
Where's the gold medal for toking? - Episode #2, Feb 15, 2010
On this episode:
- Upcoming SSDP National Conference
- DEA Raids Colorado medical marijuana patient's home
- Olympic athletes and marijuana
- The "tipping" of the Midwest
- NORML puts together cash for prime time ad on CBS, CBS turns it down
- Discussion of California market scene
- Cost of cannabis for medical patients
Greetings and Salutations! - Episode #1, Feb 8, 2010
In this pilot episode of our podcast, we discuss:
- Pending medical marijuana legislation in Illinois
- Tips on effective ways to communicate with your elected representatives
- The MPP "sex scandal"
- Denver medical marijuana dispensary application process
- Changing public view of cannabis in California
- Medical marijuana vs. recreational use
- And "conspiracy theories"