Episode 26: Missing you J Cas! - Episode #26, Aug 25, 2010

We’re one shy again today, but try to hold it together for a show:
We’re trying to recruit donors for Jay’s campaign. If you’re one of the first 10 people to use this link to donate at least $4.20, we’ll send you a copy of Reefer Madness on DVD! http://jayselthofner.com/ca
- Six Drug Czars, and Between Them They Can’t Muster a Decent Argument for Marijuana Prohibition
- US CA: North Coast Pot Gardens Grow Deadly
- National Black Police Association Endorses Prop 19
Pacific Northwest
In the Tubes
The Activist Corner
East Side, Whazzup!
- New Hampshire: Kelly Ayotte Supports Persecuting Medical Marijuana Patients
- Mass: High Time To Legalize Marijuana?
- Vermont: US VT: Woman Can’t Tell Jury She Grew Pot To Save Son’s Life
Topics barely worth any of our time
- From the WTF department: US MI: Lansing: Bill Would Ban Marijuana Clubs
Rocky Mountain High - Colorado News
- US CO: City Council Won’t Put Dispensary Ban To Nov Vote
- Boulder County Tentatively Supports Pot Farm
- US CO: Aurorans React To Rise Of Pot-Grow Homes
News from the Feds:
- DEA Seeks Ebonics Translators to Decipher Black Peoples’ Phone Conversations
- Gary Johnson Says Legalize Marijuana on MSNBC