Episode 29: I scream, you scream, we all scream for High Scream! - Episode #29, Sep 15, 2010
Donate to Jay! Jay Selthofner is running for the Wisconsin Assembly on a cannabis platform. Please support him to the tune of $4.20 or greater!
- Alcohol Lobby Teams with Law Enforcement to Fund Anti-Marijuana Campaign
- Marijuana Ballot Measure in California Wins Support of Unio
- Santa Cruz business selling marijuana “hi”-ce cream
- “Toure” on the Dylan Ratigan show says legalize marijuana
- Paul Gallegos not endorsing Prop 19
- Barbara Boxer’s aid charged with possession of cannabis
- Renter’s Rights Discussion
From Hulu: The True Tale of American Marijuana East Side, Whazzup!
- Rhode Island health department rejects all 15 dispensary applications
- Followup: Patients protest delay
Rocky Mountain High
New Mexico:
- Gubernatorial candidate wants to eliminate medical marijuana program
- New Mexico caregiver arrested for cultivation
Marc Emery Sentenced
Grow Tip of the Week
- Don’t let your neighbors smell your pot -and- don’t have all of your trimmers park outside of your house for 2 or 3 days at a time with traffic coming and going…
From the research bin: